All BATCH files. SATFIT, ELCORD and STATIONS.IN are not included in the zip file.

BF.EXE (BATCH FILE) These BATCH files and associated programs are what I use to update orbits. They will provide a starting point for those who are interested but will probably need to be tailored to the situation of each user.

Drag and drop a group of satellites (SHIFT+CLICK) on this program at a time. For each satellite, the program loads all the observations less than 15 days old into SATFIT which sorts them and deletes all duplicates. Then BF deletes all but the most recent 36 observations. Next, it displays each satellite in SATFIT for user interaction.  At this point I normally just check the (F)it of the new observations.  If the fit is good I just exit with (Q)uit to the next satellite.  If the fit is poor I apply (S)tep to improve the fit or (R)emove outlier observations. 


Drag and drop a group of satellites (SHIFT+CLICK) on this program at a time. For each satellite, the program loads all the observations less than two weeks old (three weeks for deep satellites) into SATFIT which sorts them and deletes all duplicates. BS then deletes all but the most recent 36 observations. The program now displays the satellite in SATFIT so that outlier observations can be removed prior to orbit calculations. Next, BS begins to fit each satellite orbit to the observations. First, using SATFIT, BS advances the TLE epoch to the first ascending node after the most recent observation. Second, using ELCORD, it fits the mean anomaly and the node to the observations. Third, If there are more than 3 observations in a satellite file, it further improves the fit using SATFIT. If there are more than 7 observations it uses SATFIT to update BSTAR. Fourth, if there are more than 9 observations it uses a sequence of ELCORD commands to further improve the orbit. Fifth, BS aligns the mean anomaly so that the last observation has a time error of zero. Sixth, BS again adjusts the epoch to the ascending node. Finally, BS displays the satellite in SATFIT for user inspection of the resulting fit and elements.


Used to create a master catalog files. Downloads and unzips the CATALOG.GZ  file obtained from Spacetrack and combines it with CLASSFD.TLE, from Mike McCants, into a master file named REFER.TLE.  The user must supply his own spacetrack user ID and password.  Most of the files in BATCH.ZIP are required for the operation of GET.BAT but many of them can be run as standalone programs.